Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Giveaway: The Last Days of Freedom Hop ~ August 17th to 22nd

last days of freedom

Welcome to the Last Days of Freedom Giveaway Hop! From August 17th to 22nd! Hosted by I Am A Reader, Not A Writer (badge links to host’s site) & The Elliott Review

*This is an early post due to travel. Entries for our giveaway will be valid now, however the other blogs listed in the link up below will not be available until Friday.*

The Giveaway:

an echo through the snow

We have 3 copies on offer of An Echo Through the Snow by Andrea Thalasinos for US and Canadian addresses.

Tom Doherty Associates; Forge Books; 8/21/2012; Hardcover; 368 pages

Blurb excerpt:  Alternating between past and present, telling of a struggling Chukchi family and a young woman discovering herself, An Echo Through the Snow takes readers on a gripping, profound, and uplifting dogsled ride to the Iditarod and beyond, on a journey of survival and healing.

In case you would like more information – see our post which has a Q & A with the author and an excerpt of the first chapter.

Now for the Giveaway!

Please be a reader or follower to enter this contest, and fill out the Google form:

You must do one of the three below:

  1. Google: via the blog’s side bar (I will follow back if I can find your blog) or
  2. Facebook: for updates in your feed - add me as a friend or
  3. Your Email Box

Optional ways to keep up to date on giveaways, reviews and more:

  1. Feed Reader
  2. Twitter (I will follow back, for any of these social media sites.)
  3. Google+
  4. Pinterest

This hop is now closed. 

The winners for this contest Natasha from IL and Kay from OR have been notified and should receive their books soon. The third winner did not respond back to my email.

Another hop or giveaway should be live soon!


Unknown said...

Thank you Gary!

We are in Reno NV - the high desert with loads of casinos. We should be doing a little gambling here, with the emphasis on little!

DMS said...

Hopping over from the hop!

Thanks for the givewaway. I hadn't heard of this book- but it sounds excellent. Thanks so much!

I hope you are having fun on your travels and that you win in Reno (even if you are only gambling a little- you could win big). :)

GFC: Jessica Haight/DMS- google switches it- old follower
FB: Jessica Haight
twitter: @dmsfiles
G+: Jessica Haight

Unknown said...

Thank you Jessica!
We ended up not gambling at all, but we did do a fabulous hike in the mountains near Truckee.

Good luck with the contest!

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