Friday, April 22, 2011

Spring Time in the Desert ~ the saguaro flower




In honor of “every day should be Earth day” ~ the giant saguaro's blossoms courtesy of Mother Nature!

One of the many pleasures of living in our local environment – here in “Hadesville” AZ, Sonoran Desert, USA - is the spring time blooming season.

Our current home is so unusual in contrast to anything we have experienced before (Northern CA, and North Yorkshire UK) that when we first moved here we almost crashed into several cars due to staring at this awe inspiring, ancient, and huge desert icon – the saguaro.DSCN0556

As it starts to warm up we see a variety of colors dotting the stark landscape. The last to appear is this waxy and insect attracting flower. So beautiful to see, they almost make the oven-like heat we experience in the dead of summer bearable (116 degrees plus!) This year, due to some pre-spring deluges, many of the blooms that would normally appear are a little latter than usual. Here are some photos that we have taken in the last few years – giving you a vicarious spring visit to our desert home.

Please enjoy! 


Sage Ravenwood said...

Absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for sharing. (Hugs)Indigo

Unknown said...

Indigo -
They are even better in real life... really... amazing.

Thanks for commenting!

Unknown said...

Gary -

Can you imagine a 5 story cactus in the Yorkshire

The flowers here are fabulous and believe it or not we are after 6 years beginning to "enjoy" the heat.

Alexia561 said...

Beautiful! While I've seen cacti before, I've never seen a flowering cactus. And I know what you mean about the heat, as dry heat is a lot easier to take! :)

ediFanoB said...

Gorgeous pictures! It must be impressive in reality.

Happy Easter!

Unknown said...

Alexia -
They are amazing these prickly plants...kind of ugly in a harsh way and then the flowers that they bloom - they are just so incredible and the variations are vivid.

I have not experienced extremely high damp heat so am not sure if the dry heat is easier - it is very bizarre though.

Edi -
They are impressive - the saguaro flower is the size of a woman's palm....and the petals are sort of thick. A very unusual flower.

Happy Easter to you too!!!!

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