Thursday, December 30, 2010

Challenges: LGBT ~ Haruki Murakami ~ Eastern European ~ Graphic Novels ~ Book Bucket



Oh No Not Another Challenge? ~ Yep, five. It is that time of year, and these are special challenges. So here we go!

LGBT Book Challenge 2011 ~ Hosted by Book after Book ~ here is a bit from the challenge site:

Why this challenge?  LGBT literature is so rich and varied and worth talking more about. That’s why I am hosting this challenge: to keep learning and sharing reading experiences.  I want to do my own tiny bit for a more accepting world – one book at a time!

The details of the challenge

  • The challenge will run from January, 1st 2011 to December, 31st 2011.
  • You can decide how many books you want to read during the year.
  • What qualifies as LGBT reading? I will accept reviews of books whose author is LBGT, whose topic is LGBT and/or whose characters (even minor ones) are LGBT. Fiction and non-fiction titles are equally accepted.
  • The challenge is open to bloggers and non bloggers alike.
  • There will be monthly prizes for participants.

Goal ~ We read so many different types of books that many will over lap into this category.


Haruki Murakami Reading Challenge 2011 ~ with a dedicated blog which links via the badge.

Some info taken from the site:

Levels of participation:
Hajime - Read one book
Sheep Man - Read 3 books
Toru - Read 5 books
Nakata - Read 7 books
Sumire - Read 10+ books
Super-frog - Read everything Murakami has written! (that is available in English, or your preferred language)

Goal ~ One book for this challenge which I have been dying to read. This is the perfect excuse.


2011 Eastern-Europe Reading Challenge ~ Hosted by The Black Sheep Dances.

Basic Challenge Details:

Please consider choosing unfamiliar titles, especially those that are translated works, to help support those organizations that are working to unearth the 'buried' treasure of Eastern European and Russian literature.

Regions:  Choose titles about or by an author from any of the following regions:  Croatia, Ukraine, Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro, Hungary, Belarus, Estonia, Albania, Bulgaria, Georgia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Poland, Czech Rep., Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Romania, Moldova, and Kosovo.

TitlesCan be any genre:  crime, poetry, literary fiction, history, historical fiction, memoirs, etc.


  • tourist:  4 books over the 12 months
  • ambassador:  8 books over 12 months
  • scholar:  12 books over 12 months

Goal ~ We will be tourists this year – perhaps more!

gn2 button

Graphics Novel Challenge 2011 ~ (Badge links to challenge site).

The rules:

  1. The challenge starts January 1, 2011 and ends December 31, 2011. You can start anytime you want to especially if you want to start early.
  2. The level of participation: Beginner (3 comics or graphic novels), Intermediate (3-10 books), or Expert (10+)
  3. Overlaps with other challenges is definitely okay
  4. Re-reads count
  5. Feel free to post your list at any time

Goal ~  We will be doing the beginner level 3 books each.

This is a great challenge with fun side effects, you can almost pretend you’re a kid.


2011 Book Bucket Reading Challenge ~ Bookworm Lisa is hosting her first challenge!  She says:

“50 of the books that have been sitting on my "to read" shelf for too long” ~  Feel free to join me,  make a list of books that you will read for 2011.  Cross them off as you go.  See if  you can finish your list before I finish mine.  Make a list of 10 or however many you feel is "do"able for you.

So make a list of any number of books that are in your bucket and join in, which books are on your shelf and in your bucket?

This is a challenge which I need… have you seen my Goodread’s TBR list? and you should see my exploding shelves at home. Goodness!

So at the very least 10 books which are currently sitting on my shelves to read, at the end of December 31, 2011 that I will read in 2011.

Okay Dokey – that’s all folks!  Well at least until next year.


Laurel-Rain Snow Creations said...

Oh, I see a couple of challenges I'd like to add...the Eastern Europe one captivates me, since my son lives in Berlin and formerly in Prague. Plus, there are still some Russian novels I haven't read!

But I'll hold off on that one for a bit, but definitely will join the Bucket List one.


Unknown said...

Laurel -
Aren't these great. I am so excited.
I have to stop or it will just get too

The Bucket list is Lisa's first challenge so I am sure she would love it. Thanks Laurel :)

JoV said...

we'll hv so much fun with Murakami challenge next year! Can't wait to see the one book that you are dying to read! (and I pretty much can guess which is it! I'm dying to read it too!) :D

Bookworm Lisa said...

YES, I would love it! Thanks for your participation.

Unknown said...

JoV -
Now I am wondering which one? I think I have five on my list? lol..
Kafka on the Shore? I bet that's it.

Lisa -
I do hope your first challenge is successful for you. I am thinking you are very brave to do one so soon. It would have been a mess if I did it in my first year of blogging.

Vasilly said...

I see we're joining the same challenges except for the Bucket List. Thanks for signing up for the Graphic Novels challenge. Happy New Year!

Unknown said...

Vasilly -
Well that is cool - similar interests make thing a bit more fun.

Have you seen the global challenge and the Myth Challenge that we are a part of? You may be interested in those as well. :)

Unknown said...

Parrish - (aka Gary)
You know I pilfered the Marukami from your blog... which tells you I have been visting even though I have not commented. :)

Looking forward to your reviews and reads.

Happy New Years!

Unknown said...

Gary -
I am so glad the holidays are over now for the resolutions!

I have this really long list that I won't torture you with.


tanabata said...

Thanks for joining the Murakami Challenge. I'm looking forward to hearing about the book you choose to read too! Happy reading!

Unknown said...

Tanabata -
Thanks for stopping by. I am so glad you are hosting this since I needed the excuse to read something by him.

I have a handful of his I would like to read... but I just found a used version of one of his short story collection. I think I will start there.

Unknown said...

Gary -
I knew someone was going to ask me that... I did not want to get off my behind to find

But its - After the Quake, it was 2 dollars and is the first US edition. I love the cover with all the fish trying to breathe in the shallow water. Its a hard back and its so small. I was very excited when I found it at the junk store.

Have you read it?

I started one story and know I will love his writing.

Unknown said...

Gary - Excellent, I just added in on Goodreads and noted you had added but its still in you tbr list with no rating...

I found some great books at this junk store... not that I need more books.

Unknown said...

Gary -
No changes needed. I barely keep up with some things... thinking often something has to give and being a perfectionist is a miserable life.


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