Friday, April 9, 2010

Spicy Tidbits from around a very small part of the literary blogosphere

hot off the press

Dewey’s 24 Hour Read-a-thon is tomorrow. Although I’m not officially signed up it should be good fun lurking.

National Library Week is coming up in the U.S. April 11-17, and April is School Libraries Month (2010 is the 25th anniversary).  We love love love our library…

Serena at Savvy Verse & Wit is hosting a poetry blog tour event this month. Check it out since April is Poetry month. More information can also be found at

We’ve got two new babies in the reader list here at Layers of Thought. Lilly from Reading Extravaganza and Marissa Farrar author of Alone (title links to preview) both have new little ones. Congratulations to both - what cuties.

Book Girl at Mur-y-Castell has an interesting post telling readers what they do in Finland during Easter. Amazing, I love finding out about different cultures.

Some of you may have seen this machine – The Espresso Book Machine – It makes books on demand on site at book stores. Here is a video linking its process which I thought was very interesting. It could change the industry? Very cool!

Michael aka ediFanoB has started his own blog. He’s quirky and hilarious but writes great reviews within the genre of Speculative Fiction. His new blog is called Edi’s Book Lighthouse. Lets welcome him!  He has a link for  Science Fiction Appreciation month in April hosted at the blog Walker of Worlds.  Science Fiction… fun stuff. We love Science Fiction.

Randa Jarrar author of A Map of Home (title links to review – I loved the book) has written an interesting tidbit here at Utne Reader.

Books on the Nightstand has a recent podcast interview where Ann Kingman chats with Holly LeCraw author of The Swimming Pool (title links to preview.) I love their podcasts and hold them personally responsible for a third of my teetering “want to read” book pile. Here is a link to win a copy of the book at Along the Way book blog. It ends April 28.

Book Browse one of my favorite places to find interesting books is offering one month free to family and friends, so go for it. The site offers insight into a variety of genres, authors, and interesting information surrounding the titles. It is also very inexpensive, running only about 2.50 per month. Highly recommended.

Adele from Unbound attended World Horror Con 2010 and has several great posts with other bloggers and authors. I am so envious - link 1, link 2, link 3.

Vamplit/Ebooks Undead - has a new ezine and is looking for submissions. So if you write about vampires (or for vampires) this could be your gig.

The Classics Circuit has sign ups for the May/June 2010 – The Golden Age of the Detective Tour. So if you like classic detective fiction and want to be on tour check the blog out.

Misc Giveaways:

  • Lisa at Book Blab is giving away a copy of Mistress of Rome. It ends April 30. She is also having a huge giveaway for her 300th follower contest. It ends May 4th.
  • Book City Chic  has a great post from World Horror Con 2010 and a giveaway which ends tomorrow – April 10. So hurry!
  • Amanda at Daydreams and Wanderings is having a 100 followers contest and is offering two books – Veracity  and A Harvest of Bones. This contest ends April 17.

Sorry if I missed your special tidbit, and or giveaway. Sadly I only made it through a quarter of my main blog list on Google Reader. You will note some of it is old news and most of the blogs titles begin with letters A through E. Now I recall why I stopped doing links ups – it’s darn fiddly. Please link your interesting tidbits/giveaways in the comments section if you wish. Until the next link up post!


Serena said...

Thanks for the shout out. I hope everyone enjoys the tour.

Unknown said...

Serena -
I'm sure they will.

I need to come by and check it out a bit more as well. :)

Anonymous said...

Nice newsy post—just wish I had time to track all of your links down.

I watched the video on the Express machine, which I heard about a few months ago. The way I understood it was the machine would be in bookstores to print books they never have (like classics). The video, however, seems geared toward publishers, which doesn't make a lot of sense (or cents).

And looking at how it works, I was thinking, "It'll be broken more than it's fixed"—think Xerox copies and mechanical parts.

I'm looking forward to your next edition of spicy tidbits, and I love the graphic.

Unknown said...

Charlie -
Thanks I like my little badge too. I like peppers and had fun making it. You know I have artistic sensibilities?

If we all had enough time to follow every link we'd be gods. :)

The Espresso Machine video is geared to book stores, since they need to get them out and in use to see if they work... just another thing that technology can do. Who knows where it will go. Remember 8 track tapes?

I am thinking it may be an environmentally sound way to create books. No shipping, no over stocking, no under stocking.... no wasted trees... Who knows - we shall see.

I'm not sure if I will be doing many of these since I do not have a great time doing them, and that's what this is all about.. I think anyways.

Unknown said...

Hey Charlie -
You should sign up for Shelf Awareness go to the site. They will send you daily email with book news updates and ARC requests...

I think you would enjoy them.

Ann Elle Altman said...

Thank you for all your links. I will check them out.


Unknown said...

Ann -
Your welcome...

Hopefully you will find some useful stuff.

btw - Thanks for signing up for The Basics Challenge site. Its good to see some faces up there especially published writers... :)

Amanda Makepeace said...

Thanks for including my giveaway! I still can't believe I made it to 100 followers. :D

Unknown said...

Daydreamer -

Your welcome... you will be at 150 before you know it.

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