Thursday, April 22, 2010

Not So Hot Off the Press – Literary Link Ups

Happy Earth Day Everyone!


Click on this amazingly gorgeous snail for more incredible pictures of fauna from the Borneo rain forest – a true tribute to Earth Day!

Interested in a few of the amazing iPad stats:

So you are an author, or you wanna be one? Take a look at these links:

Here are a few writing gigs:

And for the readers and bloggers in the group:

For the Speculative Crowd:

A few giveaways celebrating milestones:

  • Author Laurel Rain-Snow is having her two year blogoversary give away, with a number of interesting women’s novels to celebrate. Link to the giveaway here. It ends April 28th.
  • Missy at Missy’s Book Nook is also having a 200 follower giveaway. Link here. She's giving away a $20 Amazon gift certificate. It ends April 28th.

Cheers my dears! Until the next link up post have a great day and hug your mother (earth.)


  1. Thanks Shellie -- awesome list! Shirley Jackson is one of my favorite authors (I'd no idea that they had an award in her honor), and I hope the iPad is friendly to Indie publishers. This is a great post today.

  2. Nicole -
    I had never heard of Shirley Jackson until a friend told me that the award was in fact better than the Bram Stoker in determining the best dark fiction and horror for the year... we love dark :)

    Me too.. since I love indies... but I thought it would be of interest to a few of our readers here... yourself included. But we shall see some of these reporters are just speculating out their...(blankity blanks)and Jobs is no dummy... and appears to be fairly civic minded...

  3. Thanks for another newsy post. You managed to kill about half an hour of my goofing-off time.

    I read a story somewhere about other crap going on at by "disgruntled" Kindle readers: if a bunch of them decide a Kindle book is overpriced, they trash the BOOK itself in retailiation, thus hoping to ruin traditional sales.

    This whole e-book industry is in a state of flux right now, not to mention the entire publishing industry. It appears to me that people want everything for nothing, and business just doesn't work that way.

    Until the whole thing is sorted out, I'm going to limit my reading to the back of my cereal box.

  4. Charlie -
    Jeeze - people can be such jerks. It still amazes me the mean stuff humans can come up with. At least disembowelment then hanging and quartering is illegal in this country.

    My cereal comes in a plastic bag so that option is out for me.

    Thanks for commenting.

  5. Thanks for the link to my Around the World challenge! I try to blog about books or book related subjects every day...or around there...when my toddler doesn't stop me.

    I hope some of your readers link up to the reading challenge page and submit titles to add to the reading list. That would be awesome. :-)

    Thanks again.

  6. Shelbi -
    You are so welcome - Its a great challenge.

    I hope this will bring in some takers too. I would love to join the challenge, and maybe I will - just a little swamped right at the moment.


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