Friday, April 23, 2010

Mini Blog Break – We Welcome the “Parental Units” from Napa to help us Celebrate


Unrelated to our last week’s hiatus we are welcoming Ma and Pa from Napa for the joint celebration of our birthdays. Yes John and I are are of the bull headed zodiac sign and are actually born 5 years and 8 days apart. Pleacake1000candlesse do note that we will also be having a bonfire cake since our candles combined should look something like this to the right. Truthfully the total number of candles on our cake will be 99 for our ages combined this year - you do the math.

Posting should resume after the folks return home in a few days. But who knows, any excuse for an extended party.

Wishing you could all be here to help blow out the candles. Goodness knows we could use the help. Until our next post here is a very cute little birthday song from our younger years, when our cakes were just bit less crowded and less of a fire hazard.


Extra points if you can tell us where the phrase “parental units” originated!


  1. Happy Birthday to you both! I'm another Taurus so yea, bulls rule! Have fun with Ma and Pa this weekend!

  2. I don't know the origin of parental unit, but it's nice that your mom and dad are here.

    "the total number of candles on our cake will be 99 for our ages combined this year - you do the math."

    I've been sitting here with my trusty calculator calculating, and heres what my calculations come up with:

    Shellie will be 22 and John will be 77. Am I right?

  3. Alexia -
    I like you even more now... yeah Taurus!

    Charlie -
    Man you must be a mathematical genius, and more importantly you know the rules about women and the sensitivity around their
    and you are right I am only 22...;)

    Now we are off to do some botanical garden walking - should be beautiful this time of year.

  4. Tell your folks I said Hello and happy birthday to all! Hugs, Rose

  5. Rose -

    We are having a great time and diets are in order here very shortly.

    They both asked about you said to say hello, and hope your doing well.


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