Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Speculative Fiction Challenge 2010

Speculative Fiction Challenge 2010  - Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror

Speculatice Fiction Challenge 3

(To access and join the challenge post at Book Chick City click on the above gorgeous badge.)

Here is the Wikipedia definition of Speculative Fiction with links -

Speculative fiction is a fiction genre speculating about worlds that are unlike the real world in various important ways. In these contexts, it generally overlaps one or more of the following: science fiction, fantasy fiction, horror fiction, supernatural fiction, superhero fiction, utopian and dystopian fiction, apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fiction, and alternate history.

Challenge Specifics:

  • Timeline: 1st Jan 2010 ~ 31st Dec 2010. Only books started on January 1st count towards this challenge.
  • Level of Reading: I have chosen ObsessedRead 24 Speculative Fiction novels.
  • Books: Here are links to my main lists on Goodreads – Science Fiction and Fantasy where I will be accessing and adding books to be used in this challenge.
  • Review Link: All monthly review links are posted on this page.
  • Listing: All books that are finished for this challenge will be listed and linked below.


  1. RELEASE by Nicole Hadaway – (horror)
  2. Tender Morsels by Margo Lanagan – (dark fantasy )
  3. Soulless by Gail Carrigan – (urban fantasy)
  4. The Metamorphosis by Frank Kafka (horror)
  5. Life As We Knew It
  6. The Dead and The Gone
  7. This World We Live In (all linked here in one post) - (sci fi, apocalyptic, young adult)
  8. Inside Out by Maria Snyder - (young adult sci-fi)
  9. Cursed by Jeremy Shipp (bizzarro horror)
  10. Keeper by Kathi Appelt - (young adult/tween, mythic - slipstream)
  11. The Russian Dreambook of Color and Flight by Gina Ochsner - (slip stream, literary)

12 down 12 to go.


Anonymous said...

So many challenges, especially for the challenge-challenged like me. Too many and I get befuddled, which leads to stress, which then leads to a nap and no reading at all.

I think I'll take a crack at the Speculative Fiction Challenge, though, because I have a title or two in my TBR pile.

Unknown said...

Charlie -

I cannot wait to see your reviews... Naps are always a good thing between the pages...

We both have been thinking about you!

Unknown said...

Hi Shellie, welcome to the Speculative Fiction challenge, I'm glad you signed up. I've sorted out your link as well :) Have fun!

Unknown said...

Book Chick City -

I'm so awkward sometimes with Mr. Linky. Poor Amanda from The Zen Leaf has fixed a bunch of my mistakes....with my first challenge.

Hopefully this will help get the challenge populated a bit.

Robin M said...

I'm leaning heavily toward joining this challenge as well. I've been coming across some interesting dystopian novels which would fit right in.

Unknown said...

Robin -
Have you seen the Science Fiction Challenge by Mish listed to left on my blog.

It would also overlap with both.

Here is the link:


Anonymous said...

Hey Shellie -- this may be one challenge I can actually take and meet, since I've been reading alot of speculative fiction lately! Would it be wrong of me to give a plug to my own speculative/historical fiction book, Release? http://ebookundead.com?

Unknown said...

Nicole -
You can ask Book City Chick if it would... but I say heck no! New authors can use all the help they can get.

Release will be posted there when I have reviewed it. So you will have my plug for the challenge.

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