Monday, November 2, 2009

Give Away and Preview: Dreaming Anastasia by Joy Preble (signed copy)


Its Layers of Thought’s second book give away! With a story to go along with it.

So here's the scoop - Several weekends ago while everyone was diligently reading for the Dewey’s 24 Hour Read-A-Thon I went to pick up a signed copy of Dreaming Anastasia at an author signing event here in the valley. I otherwise would have been cheering you on and lurking around on everyone’s blogs.

I had won a signed copy of the book from The Book Butterfly recently and was contacted by Joy – the author. She asked me if I would like to come by and pick up my copy at her local signing. I thought “How fun! I have never done this before and it will be a picture posting opportunity for Layers of Thought”.

In addition, for more fun and excitement, I purchased and had signed a soft bound copy of Dreaming Anastasia for Layers of Thought’s readers to have a chance to win!

Here are the pictures that JD took of Joy and myself at the signing. One which he took of me with Joy is not the best since my mouth is open “goofy like” (serves me right, I was probably bossing him around.) If that's not enough there’s a picture of me with Joy on her author’s blog linked here. Lol – my 2 seconds of fame!

 DSCN0724 DSCN0725


To entice you more about the book, here is some information about Dreaming Anastasia and Joy:

Book Stats from Amazon:

  • Reading level: Young Adult
  • Paperback: 320 pages
  • Publisher: Sourcebooks Jabberwocky (September 1, 2009)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1402218176
  • ISBN-13: 978-1402218170
  • Genre: Historical Fiction, Fantasy, Romance
  • Book Blurb:

    Sixteen year old Anne thinks her life is pretty ordinary – until she smacks into handsome, mysterious, and okay, annoying Ethan on her way to chemistry class. Now Anne has powers she doesn’t understand, a history altering mission she may not want, and a growing attraction to this blue-eyed stranger. And Ethan- who at eighteen made some choices he’s starting to regret – realizes that Anne is the girl for whom he’s been searching – for a very, very long time. Stir in doomed Russian Grand Duchess Anastasia – who is definitely not quite as dead as the history books say – and Baba Yaga, the legendary witch from Russian folklore, and you’ve got DREAMING ANASTASIA, a contemporary YA fantasy that alternates between the voices of Anne, Ethan, and Anastasia as Anne and Ethan join forces to battle the bad guys and save Anastasia. Only problem is – no one’s quite sure who’s really bad and who’s good. And everyone has some secrets.

     Author Info:

    pose 2 color

    A YA writer and teacher who grew up in Chicago and now lives in the wilds of Texas. Okay, just the wilds of the Houston suburbs. My debut YA novel, DREAMING ANASTASIA, a contemporary fantasy retelling of Anastasia Romanov's disappearance.

    Link here to connect with Joy on her blog, her website, twitter.

    Amazon purchasing links are as follows US/UK/Canada.

    I am currently working on including The Book Depository purchasing links too.

    Review coming soon!

    Contest Info:

    To enter you must:

    • be a subscriber of Layers of Thought
    • comment
    • include your email address so that I can contact you

    You can do any or all of the below for extra entry points. All  entries may be included in one single comment. Good Luck!

    1. Blog or Tweet about this give away - (provide links please)
    2. Follow on Twitter
    3. Friend on Goodreads
    4. Friend on Book Blogs
    5. Friend on Glue

    This contest is international and it ends Sunday December 6, 2009. The winner will be notified and posted on December 8th.


    Wicked Walker said...

    This books sounds awesome. I have just added it to my TBR list. Too cool you got to meet the author!

    I am following your blog and signed up for your newsletter. I also retweeted about your contest (raycee3).


    Logan said...

    Sounds like great stuff! I look forward to reading it, winner or no. Thanks for the chance at free pages.

    Unknown said...

    Logan - do you want to be entered?

    Sheere said...

    Congrats for the second giveaway!
    I'm a suscriber :)

    +1 tweeted
    +1 follow on twitter (sheeredry)
    +1 follow on goodreads (sheere)

    Anonymous said...

    Awesome -- a fellow Texan author! Congrats to Joy on her novel, which sounds amazing. I'll be trying to hook up with her in Texas sometime soon (hopefully!).

    Nicole (

    Mel u said...

    hi-thanks for this contest-please enter me

    rereadinglives (at) gmail (dot) com

    I follow you on google reader

    Jessica said...

    That's awesome!! Lucky you! :)
    Please enter me.

    I'm already a follower.


    Eleni said...

    Nice giveaway, I'm already a follower - lafemmereaders@yahoo.comck!

    +1 I Follow You on Twitter (@lafemmereaders)
    +1 I'm your Friend on Goodreads
    +1 I'm your Friend on Book Blogs


    Kim Pickett said...

    While I had the lovely Joy on my blog, I still haven't had the chance to read her book! I'd love to be entered.

    I'm your friend on goodreads, book blogs and following on twitter!
    Thanks Shellie and glad you got to meet her!!

    Krista said...

    Oh, this is a book I really, really wanna read!!! Please, please enter me!

    Tweeted about it here:

    I know I don't get points, but I'll also put this contest on my sidebar for you, Shellie :)

    Follow on Twitter
    Friend on Goodreads
    Friend on Book Blogs

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway! :)


    Unknown said...

    Krista -
    You do get credit - I'm going to fix that tomorrow. I'm still new to this!

    Samantha LeAnne said...

    I want this one so bad! Please enter me!

    Follow on Twitter.
    Added on Goodreads.
    Posted on Sidebar:
    Blog Post:

    Jennay and Luke the Pup said...

    I'm following your blog

    Following you on twitter (@jennay1221)

    requested to be your friend on goodreads

    requested to be friend on book blogs

    tweeted (


    TheChicGeek said...

    Hi Shellie :) You look so cute in the pics!
    The book sounds neat so I'd like to enter :)

    Happy Reading!

    PS: Your blog is looking so fantastic! :))))

    Alessandra said...

    Wow, great giveaway! Thanks for making it international.

    Following you on Twitter (@alessandra83)

    Tweeted about this contest here:

    Added you as a friend on Goodreads (as Alessandra Peron)

    Added you as a friend on Book Blogs (as Alessandra)

    Thank you!


    Stacey Brucale said...

    This looks like a great book. Please enter me!

    Twitter follower (squiggles87)
    Goodreads friend


    Krista said...

    Oh, cool! No worries, Shellie, I think you're doing a wonderful job with your giveaways :)

    Pam said...

    I've been wanting to read this; the story sounds so interesting and the cover is stunning!

    I follow/subscribe through google reader.

    goodreads friend - Pam Rivera

    melacan at hotmail dot com

    Aarti said...

    What a cute story! I'd love a chance to win a copy :-) And yes, I follow. And I am not sure if we are Goodreads friends, but I'm on there with my e-mail address.

    Which is:

    aarti [dot] nagaraju [at] gmail [dot] com.

    Anonymous said...

    Hi Shellie, that is a generous competition your running, usually comps seem to be only open to US Candadian residents, and I can sympathise with that, postage is expensive. I would love to be in the running, I follow your blog, I can be emailed: stgeitz (at)tpg(dot)com(dot)au
    This does sound like an interesting read. thanks

    Anonymous said...

    Hi Shellie :)
    I'm now a Member of your Blog & Follow you on Twitter.
    I've read great reviews for DREAMING ANASTASIA and it's on my ToRead list!
    Thank you for the opportunity to win it.
    All the best,
    PS - email's in Blogger profile.

    donnas said...

    Sounds like a great book. Please include me.

    I am a subscriber.

    I follow on twitter (@donnas1)

    Linked on sidebar here:

    Friend requested on GoodReads.

    bacchus76 at myself dot com

    Bleuette said...

    Great book!

    +1 Follow on Twitter
    +1 Friend on Goodreads

    Natalie said...

    Just found your blog and I'm a new follower!

    +1 Follow on Twitter (mindfulmusings)
    +1 Friended on GR (NatalieRenae)
    +1 Friended on BB (NatalieRenae)

    Natalie @ Mindful Musings

    Stormi said...

    Would love to enter this contest.

    I have subscribed to your blog.

    I am following you on twitter @ladystorm33

    I sent a friend request on Goodread (ladystorm)


    Anonymous said...

    I would love to win DREAMING ANASTASIA.


    Anonymous said...

    I now subscribe.

    Anonymous said...

    I am a friend on Goodreads.

    Anonymous said...

    I am a friend on book blogs now.

    Anonymous said...

    I just tweeted you for Dreaming Anastasia.



    Anonymous said...

    I've glued.

    Laura said...

    This books sounds great. I would love to win. I just became a follower.

    Borostyán said...

    Thank you for the opportunity!

    This book has been on my wishlist long ago.

    I'm a follower

    +1 I invited you on Goodreads
    +1 I'm a Twitter follower

    Club Jovenes Delfines said...

    This books sounds awesome. I would like to win it :p
    I am following your blog and m email

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