Friday, November 13, 2009

An Exciting Thing has Happened – Yippee!

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I bet you will never ever guess………

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Brandon Sanderson and Robert Jordan (in spirit)  will be coming to our local library to talk about their new book - The Gathering Storm.  How cool is that!

This coming Monday evening JD and I will have dinner out and then go and listen to an author’s talk and get a couple of signed books. Fun! Fun! Fun!

What is even more fun is that I will be purchasing at least one signed copy of their book for giveaway here on Layers of Thought. Soon I will have a  post with hopefully some pictures of Sanderson and maybe a wisp of Jordan with myself/John for you all to see. 

This will be of particular interest to a few of our readers here. Krista, Logan and David come to mind.

So dear readers stay tuned, our good fortune and fun is yours as well.


Krista said...

That is very awesome!!! I will definitely enter this awesome giveaway!! Sanderson is sooo cool!

Oh, and I just want to let you know also that Robert Jordan is no longer with us :( he passed away September 16, 2007 and his wife asked Sanderson to finish up this series with Jordan's notes and such. More info here if you are interested...

But it is totally cool that you will get to meet Sanderson my all time favorite author! You lucky girl!!! I hope I win the signed copy...LOL! :)

Have fun and I'm looking forward to seeing those pictures :)

Donna said...

Wow! That is exciting news. I hope you both have a terrific time. Love to hear about your adventure later. :)

Fyrefly said...

I just started The Gathering Storm last night, but the tour isn't coming anywhere particularly near me. Sad! I hope you have an excellent time!

Anonymous said...

Hi Shellie :)
I DM'd you on Twitter!
I know you will have a terrific time at the book signing!
All the best,

David Wagner said...

Sweet! Man, you reminded me.... he's going to be here in San Diego on the 15th! That's this Sunday! I better go scout the details and see if I can go see/hear him as well. I'd like to meet him and grab an autographed book as well...

Yay team!

logankstewart said...

He was just 4 hours away (adding in the time zone change) from me this past week and I really wanted to go see him, but I could not. Other plans, no time, and I had to work.

But that's awesome he's coming to a library near you.

Have fun!

Unknown said...

Thanks to all for letting me know about the incorrect and poorly researched post.

I was informed by Krista in her comment by Charlie through the email, and a DM tweet from Rk that my post was incorrect.

I felt like a real heal. I thought remembering he had passed away but found an event notification on Goodreads saying Jordon would be at the signing and thought I had made an error.

I have since corrected this post and notified the tour company saying that I did not think their false advertising was in good taste.

Unknown said...

Krista -
I am going to get myself a copy of Warbreaker...signed!

Maybe you will win :).

Donna -
I love hearing about other reader's adventures like this too.
I remember your post of a first authors event. It was great!

Firefly -
I have read the first book in Jordan's series so I won't be reading The gathering Storm soon.
But I look forward to your thoughts since I loved Mistborn by Sanderson.
It will be interesting to see if it blends well. I am sure it does.

RK -
Thanks so much for the tweet. I am going to aptly name you the "tweet heart" of the month. :)

David -
Wow that will be great if this post was the catalyst for your personally signed copy. I would feel useful in a fun sort of way.

Logan -
Maybe you will win the signed copy here. And perhaps you can live vicariously through us in the updated post?

Thanks all for the comments. Have a Happy Saturday!

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

What an awesome treat!

BTW, I have an award for you at

Unknown said...

Laurel -
Thanks a bunch I will be right by to pick it up. :)

Krista said...

Hey, don't feel bad we all make mistakes! I still Love you, Shellie :) and you are right false advertising is never good :(

Can't wait to see what book you get signed and giveaway!! Yippee is right!!! ;)

Unknown said...

Krista -
I seem to be making my more than fair share lately - I am glad you still love me :)

I will probably get the post live by the end of the week.

I am looking forward to not cooking as much as meeting Sanderson. lol!

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