Friday, September 18, 2009

Precarious Changes Under Way


I am going to attempt to put another column on my blog.  Yikes! With no safety belt or net I feel like this fellow here. So fingers and toes crossed (Charlie’s words) that it works out.

Over and out.


Anonymous said...

Good luck, intrepid blogger. I'll feel better if, at a minimum, you wear a hairnet whilst in the Land of HTML. A little protection goes a long way.

Mel (He Followed Me Home) said...

crossing for ya! GOod luck :)

Andrea said...

It's not hard, just make sure to backup your template first.

Kerri said...

Oh - you will have to let me know how it goes ... I've been wanting to do that from day one and have never quite got it figured out short of picking a template I don't like. Good Luck.

Missy B. said...

Shellie: If I can do it, you will be able to do it. If you need any help, just give me a holler!

Libby's Library said...

Good luck - I took the easy way out and payed someone to do mine:-)

Amanda said...

Good luck. I'm thankful my husband knows html so he does my design stuff for me when I need him to.

Unknown said...

Yee Hah!
Its done. After 5 tries - thank goodness I'm stubborn - I got it. Now to put some stuff in the column.
*happy dance*

Charlie -
Thanks to you I got a laugh before I began. Makes for a better attitude. :)

Mel -
I appreciate your crossed toes and fingers. I am sure they helped. Its live with three columns.

Andrea -
No need to answer my email of distress. I did it. Thanks!

Kerri -
Just email me and let me know when and I will give you the links and can be on stand by for support. If I can do it you can too.

Missy -
Your awesome! Thanks, if it had not worked out this time I would have emailed you with and SOS.

Libby(Neas Nuttiness) -
I'm too darn thrifty to pay for it. A few minutes I thought I might have too.
I also like to be in control. I heard once they make changes for you your always at their mercy?

Amanda -
You lucky ducky. A smart and funny hubby that knows html. No wonder your blog is so original and professional.

Thanks everyone - I did not feel alone because of your comments.

Andrea said...

Ok, looks good.

Unknown said...

Andrea -
Just fiddling with the page layout now. Some elements don't work on the new column but hey....I'll just leave them on the other side.

TheChicGeek said...

Yeah, Shellie! Lookin good! You are brave! I want to add one on mine but I'm scared....Yikes!

Seriously, everything looks BEAUTIFUL! Good job!

Have a Wonderful Weekend!

Unknown said...

Chic Geek -
Thanks so much - I love your positive comments!
I'm not sure if its bravery or pure boredom. ;) I wonder what the next html challenge will be.
You have a wonderful weekend too.
PS - the site I used for instructions is linked at the bottom of the blog I know you can do it if I can.

Cara Powers said...

Congrats! You did it.

Unknown said...

Yes, I did! It took me about 5 tries. I kept missing a step which was linked in the instructions.
But I'm really liking it. :)

Anonymous said...

Hoo Ray, you did it! Now you have double the room for crapola! I'm jellus.

Did the hairnet safety net work?

Unknown said...

Charlie -
The more stuff the merrier - us girls love stuff.

Don't be envious, when are you going to add your second column?

Yes - the hair net did help with keeping the toes and fingers crossed good suggestion.

Krista said...

I love the new look! It gives you so much more room, eh? Good job!

Unknown said...

Krista -
Thanks - yes lots more room (for "crapola" lol). I was really nervous but I was determined and it worked. Yeah!
Wonder what the next html adventure will bring?

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